We believe that change is possible and can happen against all odds
May 2014. The words no parent wants to hear “your son’s test results have come back – he has CYSTIC FIBROSIS”. Simon was 17 months old at the time of diagnosis.
Tears flow as the doctors and nurses explain the severity of the condition.
Uncertainty. How will this impact our lives? And How long does our son have to live? “Life expectancy is 34” was what were were told.
After receiving such devastating news, we walk back to our son’s bed side with a room full of family and friends, and we clearly remember having to stand there and put on a brave face while having 100 thoughts running through our mind.
“We Can’t do this”
“We’re expecting our second child in a few weeks”
“Why is this happening to us?”
“How do we eventually explain this to our son”
“What do we do now?”
As the nights and days slowly passed, it became clearer that this was a battle that we had to face with our son. A battle that we didn’t think we would have to face, but one for whatever reason God entrusted us with. This is our cross and it was up to us how we would carry it.
When we think back to that horrific day and the time we spent in hospital, and the ensuing days spent with our son, it makes us realise how far we have come as a family and makes us remember that at the time we thought things were such a mess and that we would never recover from such an ordeal.
We now proudly sit and smile. We smile because we are truly proud of our commitment, perseverance and strength to fight this battle alongside our son till the day we find a cure for this disease.
“Everything we do from this day forward is OUR journey. We want our son to know that we will do everything in our power to help him in along the way”
Fast forward till today, and Cystic Fibrosis has become our Norm. The daily Battles of Simon’s physiotherapy sessions, the endless amount of daily pills he needs to take. Looking from the outside you wouldn’t realise he suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. The Invisible disease which we are fighting with each and everyone one of you.. we will conquer.
While one person can make a difference, together we can make a change